Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Planet Hulk(2009) | DvDrip | 300MB Direct Download Mediafire Download free

Planet Hulk(2009) | DvDrip | 300MB Direct Download Mediafire

PlanetHulk was a year long storyline in the Marvel comics Incredible Hulkseries that saw the Hulk betrayed and tricked by the Illuminati, agroup of Marvel superheros including Iron Man, Black Bolt, and DrStrange, blasted into space, and sold into slavery. The story was a scifi fantasy epic, with incredible writing and character development. Itis one of the smartest superhero stories that I have ever read, andthat's impressive, considering that it is a story that centers around acharacter whose dialogue generally used to consist of the words "Hulk,"and "Smash," and little else. I never liked the Hulk until I read thisbook, and after having read it, he's one of my favorite Marvelcharacters.

Now when I heard that they were doing an animated, straight to DVDfeature based on the book, I was elated. The big question now, is howdoes it measure up? With a resounding "Ehh." Planet Hulk (the movie) isa relatively faithful adaptation, but as it clocks in at only about anhour and fifteen minutes, things had to be changed and cut. No oneparticular change really bothered me all that much, and I understand alot of the big ones (leaving out No-Name of the Brood, and swappingSilver Surfer for Beta Ray Bill), but the overall experience suffersfrom how short the movie is. It seems like with the time they wereallotted they had to choose between plot and action, and they choseaction. It felt very rushed, and most of the characters besides Hulkseemed almost arbitrary.







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